Thursday, August 30, 2012

Moshe Shulman's claim that George Howard Retracted his claims on the Hebrew Gospel of Matthew

***Disclaimer: I am not a messianic or a christian! I do not hold this work as inspired of any sorts. I simply did a linguistic study on this work in College so this is purely professional in nature******

Not to long ago Moshe Shulman, Famous counter-missionary, made the claim that Professor George Howard, author of "The Hebrew Gospel of Matthew" had retracted many of his claims about the Shem Tov Hebrew Matthew because of an article by William L. Petersen that criticised Professor Howards claims on the Hebrew gospel of Matthew. I have read both articles and it is not hard to conclude that George Howard, in his response, conceded very few points made by Petersen. Howard criticises Petersen, and rightly so, for having remedial knowledge of Medieval Hebrew and his archaic renderings showing such knowledge. I find it amusing that such bold claims can be made by Moshe Shulman about George Howard and the Hebrew Gospel of Matthew when there is clear evidence in Howards response that he did not concede as many points as was alleged.

Petersens Critique:

Howards Response:

Read and see for yourself if Howard really conceded anything. As far as I can tell he kept to his claims.


Yosef Menachem