I ended my time on Paltalk a while ago to give myself a
break from the debate and concentrate on my studies. I enjoyed the break from
the constant debate with Counter-Missionaries (CM from here on) concerning such
topics that concern Jewish Law, Torah interpretation, and even Christian
interpretations. I had to re-iterate over and over that I am not a theologian,
I am a grammarian. I came back onto Paltalk, limiting my interactions and
staying away from the debate, only listening to them. Here comes the “Hey how
are you?” and then it comes “Hey, Yosef, Can you validate something for me?” As
if some sort of vindication comes when I agree with something that isn’t
controversial and they get this warm and fuzzy feeling from it.
On 10/19/2014 I received an email from a Paltalk contact
concerning Isaiah 53. This person is seeking to counter assertions from a
Christian and assert that the Jewish view is correct. I am glad you sent this
out, but why was this only sent to me? Are you trying to elicit a response from
me to validate your thoughts? Don’t you get enough of that from your peers in
the CM community? I don’t have time, with all of the work I have to do, to sit
there and proofread your argument just so you can take it to one of your CM
buddies so that they can say something to denigrate what I state. It’s purely
nonsensical for me to do that and it would be despicable for you to try and do
I elicit my fair share of reactions from the CM crowd. Moshe
Shulman calling me an apikoros to others, which is false; Uri Yosef thinking
that just because I am not a native speaker of Modern Hebrew that I have no
place talking about Biblical or Rabbinic Hebrew, which is false; to the person
who sent me the email treating me as an “authority” when no one else is around
because he can’t validate his claims on his own. He needs this crutch to push
his agenda and in that sense is despicable considering his attempts to
discredit me at every turn. His way of doing this is to take everything I state
and create a report and send it to his CM buddies for dissection and a
refutation that never comes. Oh the irony!!!